Directions to Milford Superior Court
Ansonia-Milford Judicial District
Superior Court
14 West River Street
Milford, CT 06460
Telephone: (203) 877-4293
From North- Shelton, Beacon Falls, Oxford:
Take route 34 to Grassy Hill Rd. Follow Grassy Hill Rd., (which becomes North St.) past Route 1 (Boston Post Rd.) to stop sign. Turn right, cross over bridge, turn left. On right will be yellow brick building. Turn right into the driveway. Courthouse is red brick building with white pillars on left.

From the North- Wilbur Cross, Merritt Parkway:
Immediately before Sikorsky Bridge take Exit 54 for I-95 (Connecticut Turnpike) and Milford connector. At end of connector, turn right onto Route 1 (Boston Post Rd.) and continue to traffic light. Turn right and follow West River St. to stop sign. Turn right and continue to traffic light. Go straight across road. On right will be yellow brick building. Turn right into driveway, Courthouse is red brick building with white pillars on left.
From the South- Wilbur Cross, Merritt Parkway:
Take Exit 54 which leads to the Connecticut Turnpike, I-95, and Milford connector. (Follow directions above from connector.)
From I-95 North & South:
Take Exit 39A Milford West. Turn right off exit, immediately get to left side of Boston Post Rd. to split in road. Stay left of split (Cherry St.). At sign “Enjoy Downtown Milford,” go straight on Cherry St. for approximately 4 lights to intersection where road curves left. Red Cross building on right and City Hall ahead. Pass City Hall and turn right after Post Office (Darina Place). Second driveway on right leads to rear of courthouse.
Parking: Parking available behind courthouse in Third Bay area with designated slots indicated by Jury signs.